Protest song for a numbed world

Rid earth of this breed

The real terrorists wear suits
And those wearing a uniform
Are the puppets of the brutes
Who spit on every human norm

So stand up and

Stop the homicidal elites
Drag them from their office
And take them to the streets
To rid earth of this breed amiss

The precept of the lawless
Doesn't give a shit about you
Their maneuver works flawless
And there's nothing you can do

Unless you

Stop the homicidal elites
Drag them from their office
And take them to the streets
To rid earth of this breed amiss

All you brain dead henchmen
Who betrayed their own kind
Will one day end in a ditch and
When it's too late you will find

You should have

Stopped the homicidal elites
Drag them from their office
And take them to the streets
To rid earth of this breed amiss

Graphic version at:

Poetry by Rage of Reason
Read 828 times
Written on 2008-07-05 at 01:50

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I like it, it has a rallying chorus to try for,,,,,Up the revolution with smile from Tai

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Well written and so very true. People's inactions are allowing them to be blindly led into the abyss. It is about time the suits of this world are reminded who they serve. Enjoyed the read thanks :-)