One of nine poems evoking the sea
Translated from the French

Mermaid song N° 5

I shall know your secrets, O night heavy with stars!
But not this abandon, but not this haunting cry
On my lips - and strong is the chain with which I'm tied.
Priestess, I immolate myself at my altar.
One by one my sisters accomplished the same wont.
Stars, it's our heaviness that enforces the morn.

But since the abyss was not muzzled, what matter?
Look, the swell is rolling and my beacons flicker.
A star is given birth: night is in labour pains.
It's a god's rise that this awaking glance proclaims.

A voice persisting though it wants silent to be
Of the world bracing me reveals the mystery.


Je saurai tes secrets, nuit, d'étoiles pesante,
Mais non cet abandon, mais non ce cri hantant
Mes lèvres - et la chaîne est sûre qui me tient.
Prêtresse je m'immole à  l'autel qui m'habite.
Une à  une mes soeurs ont pratiqué le rite.
Etoiles, notre poids impose le matin.

Mais qu'importe puisque n'est muselé le gouffre.
Voici rouler la houle et chanceler mes feux.
Une étoile enfantée et c'est la nuit qui souffre.
Un regard qui s'éveille et c'est l'essor d'un dieu.

Une voix qui persiste et qui voudrait se taire
Du monde qui me tend révèle le mystère.

Poetry by Michel Galiana
Read 1255 times
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Written on 2009-04-03 at 13:15

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry website.

chuma okafor
The sea and the mermaid are secrets that intrigue... and your text certainly posses that enigma

Language: 4

Brian Oarr
Magnifique, Michel! Ca creve les yeux que la Francais est votre vraie voix.

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5