Sounds quite unfinished, I me, it's intentional. =)

Sketches of Summer

sweet uncertainty

you radiate this
you and your quiet
honeysuckle smile

we lie on the brink of
mutual destruction
limbs haphazardly strewn in a
carefully careless configuration
fooling no one

or we wouldn't be
except there is no one to fool

just the trees
and five-leafed vines
vengeful grass shoots

and me

and sweet uncertainty...

Words by PoeticProcrastination
Read 1142 times
Written on 2009-06-12 at 20:19

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Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
You certainly don't have your head in the clouds.

Thank You for this very thoughtful piece of writing.

Nick Matherne
This is really

Simply beautiful and
Wonderful. It
Entreats the mind to
Envision a scene and
The situation that are all part of the great message

I really like this. It is very expressive.

I like how your tone really effectively matches the last line.
Uncertainty is a word that is too long to accrosicize but very well describes all of this


Morgan Cellohead
Yes, this about sums it up - i'm not sure what to make of your use of the word "sweet", though it certainly gives the poem a very interesting tone, and implies a very interesting take on the situation... I love the "carefully careless configuration fooling no one" - so true, so true. You have successfully conveyed a lot of what i'll simply call "things" in this poem, and you've done it very well - congratulations. And no - it's not finished. : )