There he is, in all his glory, about two and a half steps outside the forty-five.

Musings from the Forty Yardline

You're just ten feet away, yet we're miles apart:
How I yearn to be tucked in the curve of your arm!
There's no place for my head but right over your heart.

I feel God has us connected in heaven's chart---
That you should be holding me; I'll keep us from harm:
You're just ten feet away, yet we're miles apart.

Your music is poetry, your handsome face art
I'm constantly entranced by your soft, subtle charm:
There's no place for my head but right over your heart.

One of us these truths to the other should impart.
Instead, we circle, like young horses on a farm:
You're just ten feet away, yet we're miles apart.

I attempt to reach out, but don't know where to start;
Alone, I've grown cold, yet with you my spirit's warm.
There's no place for my head but right over your heart.

I'm so scared to tell you, for if I did you'd dart:
I only want to hold you---not cause you alarm.
You're just ten feet away, yet we're miles apart:
There's no place for my head but right over your heart.

Poetry by PoeticProcrastination
Read 1254 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2008-08-19 at 04:59

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!


Your text has been chosen by the Editors to receive a Gold Star!


Zoya Zaidi
Poetic darling, you are as poetic as ever.
I love this honest to heart piece!

One of the sweetest, most expressive and, simply, very best things I've read in a long time!

You are gifted!

Kathy Lockhart
outstanding and so beautiful in its sadness. this is a fav. I give you applause. : ) kathy

Phyllis J. Rhodes
The aching heart writes well. Longing tugs with every line. This is such a good read.

Rob Graber
Very nicely structured!

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This is excellently written, I agree with the others

Elle x

limber junctionson
bookmarked immediately.

limber junctionson
your poetry is music.

Nick Matherne
On the forty...
Just kidding
nice musings though
I assume I will soon write a similar commentary along the lines of
Musings from the far end of the Bass Section