Delusion Certained Me

Oh, is this the parking lot?
Where I will put all my stuff
And design them with yellow
Plus black and a Donald duck?

Now i wonder and wander and wonder
Clicking you, clicking him and clicking her
Should I be happy with the event?
They tore each other's paper they sent.

Cogito Ergo Sum is me
And I don't know to thee
Why should I care about thy thumbs up row
When I can't even shoot my own arrow?

"Hell is other people"
I quoted Jean Paul Sartre
Do I belong to this army
That disgrace my own humanity?

Never would I let myself
Get involved in such revolution
A joke I didn't find laughable
But words that need sanction.

Sure it was beyond my understanding
and I never dared to exceed
Because it was beyond my knowing
To grow another evil seed.

Poetry by Jean Thomas
Read 1211 times
Written on 2009-08-09 at 06:04

Tags Pride  Ego  Evil 

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