8 BLACK Balloons

Pride forbids myself
to you to come near
and the other way around too
you don't belong here my dear.

It brought me pain
hurt and all suffering
but numbness I replace it
I'm no longer enduring.

This seclusion follows
killing me every day
so I learn aloofness
never mind the price to pay.

A longer term melancholy
makes me miserable
killing myself is a big no
but gun is always on the table.

They all deceit me
hypocrisy I don't like
but i did the same thing
while they listen to DJ Mike.

Every day is regret
hoping I can turn back time
it hurts but now I don't care
like this one awful rhyme.

Skepticism is creeping
leaving the Greatest Man
anoint me with the Devil's water
I'm the Black Divine's new nun.

Evil is the blackest balloon
I devoured this cancer
my heart is black and stoned
no more, I will wonder.

Poetry by Jean Thomas
Read 1223 times
Written on 2009-08-09 at 17:05

Tags Darkness  Evil  Balloon 

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