based on a place :0

In This Place

Here in this place, are memories within wood chips on the ground
The school that sits next to it, quiet and empty as death
The young child that I see, seeks no thrill, only innocence and familiarity
I quickly detect the desire for the other half, inside of me
I look at the swing next to mine
Such a thing that needs to be filled with a person
That will lift me to the very skies that I look up to
And the dark velvety night that surrounds me
The child leaves, leaving nothing behind
Except the pleasure that she was unaware of
The satisfaction is waiting for her
Meanwhile, the mirror that I look in, shatters in my eyes

Poetry by Jess W.
Read 1016 times
Written on 2009-09-16 at 05:49

Tags Innocence  Poetry  Place 

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