you catch my drift ;]

How, In The End..?

How do you know when it's the right time to confess
How you really feel about someone?
How do you know when it's the right moment?
How do you do it without feeling the excruciating stab
of disappointment? When you find out
That they don't feel the same
You never forget it
Or on the other side, when you have to hurt someone else?
When you have to admit that it just won't work out
How do you feel the sickening feeling of remorse?
Knowing that you damaged their confidence
Even when it's all over, it's still there
You never forget it
Even if they tell you to, that it's "fine"
It's never really over
Everything is always forever
When I look at the sky
The stars are always there
And the person on your mind
Is looking at the exact same sky
The same universe, but only in a different way
When a rose is slowly dying inside and out
The petals fade losing the elegant red color that it once had
The feeling is dying as well
For someone or something, losing interest
The uncertainty massacred whatever feelings you had
How did you change so swiftly?
To the point of changing personality
The irony kills you inside
It consumes the person you were before and the one you are now
Who made this decision? You?
Or the ones around you?
This comes from fear, of gaining disappointment or approval
This is unfamiliar and goes against
What you believe in
It has so much power over you
It crushes your convictions and makes you
What you don't want to be
But it turns out to be better in the end
Nothing remains pretentious or unreal as it was before
There is only room for new beginnings, new sorrows that happen all over again
I walk on the sand of my favorite place and watch the waves
Crash against the rocks that I stand on
A place that I have only imagined in the depths of my thoughts, so vividly
I hear a voice as sweet as the summer air on my skin
"We're back" the voice said
In the place I love
Where nothing is difficult, it never ends

Poetry by Jess W.
Read 1014 times
Written on 2009-09-16 at 05:52

Tags Poetry  Love 

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