This isn't for any particular person, it's just in general.

He Shouldn't

He shouldn't excite me and turn my whole day around
When I just see him standing there,
If he has no motivation for being there

He shouldn't listen to what I say,
Or take me seriously
If he can't think of a reason to

He shouldn't see my potential
When he knows it exists
If he's not going to believe in it, in the end

He shouldn't encourage me to fall for whatever I notice,
If he's going to just watch it happen
And then, leave me to pick myself back up

He shouldn't make promises that I tell myself to hold onto
If they shatter in minutes,
Days, weeks, or until I finally decide to break them myself

He just shouldn't do it
Because the promises are unless kept either way
Unless he makes the decision to stay true to them, like I do for him

Poetry by Jess W.
Read 736 times
Written on 2011-02-19 at 01:25

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We are all blind to our own faults until someone points them out. I guess this tells him.
Nice write, I enjoyed reading. Thanks