Yesterday, April 3, 2011, my daughter Shantel, my fiancee Geneva Pipes and I went to church at North Oak church of Christ in Mt. Vernon, Arkansas. My daughter has cerebral palsy and gets around by using a wheelchair; however at church she transfers to th

A Tall Tale!

Shantel, my daughter has extremely sensitive nerves, so when Austin, our cousin had to make a bathroom run and accidently kicked the spring-loaded doorstop she jumped. Later—we ate lunch with Bill Belote. Something happened during lunch that caused him to jump which reminded me of how Shantel had jumped during Church. I told Bill, "You should have been at church this morning." I said, "Our young cousin Austin kicked that doorstop and Shantel Jumped. She was headed home not out the door, but straight up the aisle--Flying--I expected to see a hole in that wall any second, but just as she got Mike—he made a fist and swung twice fast as hard as he could hitting her square in the face. Shantel came flying back to her seat hitting it so hard it knocked the breath out of her. I also heard Mike say as he swung, "Nobody leaves the building when I'm preaching."
Bill and Geneva both were laughing so hard their sides were hurting. Just as I finished telling my tale, I looked at Geneva and said, "Of course I sometimes tend to stretch the truth just a little. When Bill finally could quit laughing he said, "Yes but this time it is an outright lie, and I can prove it. Then he looked at Shantel and said, "Now Shantel did that really happen?" Shantel simply muttered, "Yup!"

Short story by Damon
Read 1191 times
Written on 2011-05-06 at 23:11

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