This is a short story about a professer that works at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway, Arkansas. He defies a city ordinance to keep the lawn looking good. There is very little grass in his lawn so maybe he isn't but I personally would rath

It Looks Like Junk to Me!

In Conway, Arkansas, which is between 10 and 15 miles south of where my family and I live there is a city ordinance I believe is the right word for it that requires families to mow their lawns when the grass gets to something like two inches tall. Supposedly if someone doesn't mow their lawn and lets the grass grow to tall they will have to pay a fine, because of it bringing the value of the neighborhood down. I understand the city officials wanting to keep the city looking good for all the folks that visit there and for everyone that lives there as well.
Now, what I don't understand is why some folks get away with junking up yard with all kinds of junk. Maybe it has something to do with the man being a professor at (UCA) University of Arkansas, which is the only university in the city. At the time of this writing there are two more colleges there, but both are only two year or Junior colleges.
That Professor says that his yard isn't junked up. He says he has it decorated with antiques, which makes it art. Don't get wrong! I'm not an expert at art or in antiques and don't claim to know anything at all about either one. I do know a little about junk and what it looks like however, and I know for a fact that the things in his yard sure looks like junk to me. Also from what I have heard other people say about it, I know that I am not the only person that thinks it looks an awful lot like junk.

Essay by Damon
Read 1211 times
Written on 2012-03-05 at 18:17

Tags Art  Junk  Ugly 

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Jim, I haven't seen a junk yard dog or a car on blocks but think the place would look more natural if it did have one or two of each.

Thanks for the read!


Does he have a car in his front yard on cinder blocks? Does he have a junkyard dog, too?

This is great, I love it. Every town needs an eccentric professor.