
Wilting flower lost in the misting rain

purple skies crying for the shame of mankind

resplendant orange sunsets cascading over the mountains

wisteria tumbling over a dilapidated house

frigid winters of white and silver shards

mellow, rich loam beneath decaying logs

emerald boughs of stately trees;
young leaves whispering, sighing with desire

passionate cries and flying pottery

dark stony silences, face turned towards the ground

multicolored diamond facets hiding behind a blank stone wall:

wilting flower lost in the misting rain.

Words by PoeticProcrastination
Read 731 times
Written on 2006-04-21 at 17:20

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It's amazing!!
Have you ever written a piece of poetry that I haven't loved?!?!

Wow. This is like 8 canvasses all lined up on a wall that has your name up at the very top. Or something.

Extremely and vividly beautiful.

Extremely Vivid! Lovely Imagery!