the atlas of my mother

At two
I made a map of your hands
the soft crossroads in your palm
divided into lotion smelling fingers
never touching mine

At six
I made a map of our house
the sound of the bottles you tried to hide behind the maryland cookies
the sound of your cigarette burning the bathroom carpet
the sound of you passing out on the living room floor

At fifteen
I made a map of your eyes
the way they slapped me every time I had something to tell
the way they moisted my bed sheet sometime after midnight
the way they never met mine

At twenty
I made a map of your hatred
your long nails leaving purple marks on the same spot on my underarm
your voice screaming how I ruined your life
your words telling me I was impossible to love

At thirty
I make a map of your face
the swollen patches underneath your eyes
the lines of grief across your forhead
the purple stain where your lips divide
the way you fade

and I seal this atlas
with love

Poetry by Lourdes
Read 1932 times
Written on 2006-04-15 at 17:39

Tags Mother 

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Amanda Manmohan
I am in complete awe at this poem. It is absolutely amazing, to say in the least. It gave me chills and you blatantly showed that even if someone hurts you that much, it doesn't mean you love them any less.

Christian Ward
I liked this a lot. Simple, honest and beautiful.

wow---how powerful and from the heart, and utterly haunting...

Onyeka Nwelue
I can't say much about this poem...but it is whimsical, exhilarating, deeply written and above all, original.

Keep writing Norwegian, right?

Kathy Lockhart
sorry forgot to rate

Kathy Lockhart
I do not have adequate words to express my amazement with this profound, deeply emotional experience I just lived through while reading your words. This is beautiful in its rawness, honesty, and rich in your expression of YOUR unconditional love of your mother. I booked marked this one.

Zoya Zaidi
Laurdes, Laurdes, Laurdes!
If you keep penning like this,
All of us on the bay can go for a holiday!
Such power full stuff, leaves me speechless,
to say the least; This the way poems
Should be written, with heart, for hearts
To capture hearts, & turn them upside down
With emotions, indescribable!
((((Hugs to the child still lurking deep within you)))))
Love,xxx, Zoya

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
a strong powerful poem about your child hoosd i presume and a deep seated love despite well done rgds mike