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Member since 2005-06-21

Has received 3 applauds


I like reading Haruki Murakami novels on rainy days. I like my tea English, with milk & sugar. I like films that are odd and foreign. I like my music loud with booming bass. I like records opposed to CDs. I hope to move to Asia after college. Later.

Email: ohmy.satellite@gmail.com
AIM: egosailor
LJ: egosailor

Writing friends
Noir Chapeau

Kerra Dolarhyde

35 years old

MY TEXTS, Archive 28 Texts

An isolated place. (3) - 2007-10-12
Vulture's Promise - 2007-10-12
Moi non plus. (1) - 2007-10-12
The Face You Once Knew (2) - 2006-08-17
The Road Ends Here (2) - 2006-08-07
Without Passion (3) - 2006-08-04
From the Mountains of the Sightless Stanglers (3) - 2006-06-11
Belly of the Beast (2) - 2006-06-08
Death in a Field of Poppies - 2006-06-08
From The Mouth of Death - 2006-06-08
Cuckoo Clock Upon My Wall (4) - 2006-06-08
Life... Begins? (3) - 2006-06-07
Bright Future (1) - 2006-06-06
Together (1) - 2006-06-06
Satisfaction (2) - 2006-04-19
The New Age Circle (3) - 2006-03-29
The Plummet - 2006-03-10
Messiah's Curse (1) - 2006-03-09
One Son of Science (3) - 2006-02-03
Untitled I (1) - 2006-01-11

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"We're all passengers in the end, after all."