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The Invincible. Ryker-Lei Glasgow 2009-11-18
Through the paths We bide Telesforos 2009-08-29
Conversations with a Dying Man (1) Damon 2009-08-28
Pardon Me Zoey Jane 2009-08-03
Bleed (1) Zoey Jane 2009-08-03
The Diamond Dignity hidden in the Syringes (1) Eva 2009-07-29
The Red Kite (3) Eva 2009-07-13
The Sun will turn yellow,someday... Eva 2009-07-12
Acrylic Elegy (5) Sun.Moon.Stars.Rain 2009-07-11
Soul Eva 2009-07-09
Living Hurdle, Bring Love's Death[Sonnet] liz munro 2009-06-12
Shot! Eva 2009-06-05
Ophelia's utterly perfect murder (1) Eva 2009-04-26
What is a life worth living? syer 2009-04-20
The Poetic Paths (3) Eva 2009-04-16
The city's Requiem (1) Eva 2009-03-20
Kingdoms in decline (3) J. E. 2009-03-16
The story of the little boy (1) Eva 2009-03-05
You died with the sun (4) J. E. 2009-03-01
Until the sun sets down on me (2) Eva 2009-02-13

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