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A Kosher Hymn Edna Sweetlove 2006-09-19
Pet Peeves (3) Judy T Lloyd 2006-09-16
That Must Have Hurt. (5) Judy T Lloyd 2006-09-04
Housework Blues (10) Kathy Lockhart 2006-08-30
Variations on The Fartichord. (2) Judy T Lloyd 2006-08-30
Pluto (7) Judy T Lloyd 2006-08-27
An Unsolvable Conundrum ~Me~ (11) Kathy Lockhart 2006-07-06
A FUNNY Story. (8) liz munro 2006-03-14
The Dark Side/The One Ring (4) liz munro 2006-02-19
Damn you needle[ this poem IS NOT about drugs] (3) liz munro 2006-01-21
Twarted Tiger. (1) liz munro 2006-01-03
How to be happy (1) Nordigarden 2005-12-27
Sir Winston - and his horse... (2) Nordigarden 2005-12-05
On an isle of your own... (4) Nordigarden 2005-12-05
Nothing as quiet as snow (4) Nordigarden 2005-12-05

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