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Footprints Of Sacrifice And Tears[with Kathy Lockheart] (4) liz munro 2006-11-02
A-Consequence Of A-Bomb. (1) Mark J. Wood 2006-10-30
A Soldier's Cadence (2) Polyforge 2006-10-22
Men Play God (2) Jon Aflatooni 2006-10-21
The Most Great Peace Shall Come (1) Jon Aflatooni 2006-10-21
The Cage (1) Jon Aflatooni 2006-10-20
Bombs (1) Tal¿a 2006-10-04
You are just like me Ariel Bennett 2006-10-04
A Disillusioned Soldier. (2) Raju Swamy 2006-09-27
I am the bad taste of war (3) Bob 2006-09-23
A Song Of The Sea (4) Edna Sweetlove 2006-09-17
Correct me if I'm wrong (3) Saga 2006-09-14
War (5) Angelhug 2006-09-13
The End of the War (2) Xuxa 2006-09-04
Foe Xuxa 2006-09-04
The Skirmish; The War Xuxa 2006-09-04
Peace/War (Diamente Style) (9) Kathy Lockhart 2006-09-02
War (4) Neela 2006-08-30
War nerve (2) Evelyn 2006-08-15
Lebanon (3) Bob 2006-08-13

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