...a sultry gem, oozing warmth and care and life...

Sultry goddess

You are a sultry gem
Oozing warmth and care and life,
Your heart calls out to me,
Awakening the deadness that hides

inside my very being,

my bottled thoughts,
bringing me back to poetry,

to music, song and dance.
And your mind,
A world of genius with words that
speak life to my existence,
that inspire me to become,

to jump out of my circle of comfort,
and simply live.
You are a sultry gem,
A goddess in your own right
With beauty that goes beyond skin,

beyond physical self,

beyond the imaginable,
And shines forth through your open heart

Poetry by kip
Read 721 times
Written on 2017-09-19 at 22:18

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Bravo, a very good work, Kip. A welcome work addison to poetbay

That's the kind of person you like to meet. Very nicely said.