19) Where do people go?

Where do people go?
They are present and absent as time flows.
I can see their figures but can't feel their integrity
I can hear their voices but unable to find the truth.
I can observe their shapes but fails to find their true shades.
I watch bodies walking but with hearts unfeeling.
Feeling sense of humanity without infidelity.
So I search high and low to trust one among the crowd.
A relative, friend or who am sharing his blood.
Yet I return empty-handed with a fuss.
Since today meanings and values have crushed.
Crushed by people themselves.

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1079 times
Written on 2006-10-10 at 00:18

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in and out of madness perhaps.

Jessica Rexroat
what an observant piece, are a people watcher? It sounds like you might be.

Emeka Chike Nwogu
This is very inspirational!


keith nunes
super question! i wish I had some answers (lol) well written

Kathy Lockhart
Amanda this is great! Such eye-opening words full of power. Well done! :) kathy