Dedicated to Poetbay's members .

25) Poetbays' Angels

Though I didn't see angles in the sky, yet I do feel their presence.

And though there are not humans like angels

Surprisingly the life made me meet many.

Angels with their smiles.

Angels in the way they inspire.

Angels in how they show care.

Sharing my joys and pains.

They are definitely the members of Poetbay.

With LOVE,

Amanda K

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1786 times
Written on 2006-11-13 at 10:21

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nice poem. i liked it. i liked its way of writing very cool.......

Don't know how I missed this but this is a special piece everyone on the Bay seems to share this sentiment and all have written it in there own way. This is among my all time favorite, the beauty the heart, the love.

Indeed a truly Beautiful write..


moon smile
you are the true angel my dear with your lovely poems ,so keep flying with such magical wings''your poems'',with love ''moon smile''

Nice work here

From all of us
You are the preetiest angel "__"^^

nice done
u r the queen of those angels

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Hey Amanda Panda

This is a very beautiful text but i am a little too old and sinful to cut the mustard as an angel

I just been flying too close to the ground lolololol

but thank you for your kindness

and I tell you if i had been 25 i would have given him a run for his money or let his tyres down so he couldnt come see you

have a lovley engagement and thanks

Mickey Mouse lololololol

Kathy Lockhart
Sweet and loving poetry from an angel named Amanda.

A sweet write amanda, and yes angels come in all forms. I am sure poetbay is full of them, in which case I would like to ask them to watch over a friend of mine KRISTIN DAVIS who is fighting for her life at this moment. We all need angels and she needs them more than most at the present time. Thanks for sharing your poem and this opportunity to ask of their help. Nicely written and heart felt write. Tai