Loud and Clear *RePosTed*

Why do i have to think?

When you are the only one in mind.

Why do i have to look?

When through your eyes i see.

Why do i have to keep searching?

When you are the one i forever wished to find.

Why do i have to talk?

When it's all in my eyes.

Loud and clear.


Poetry by maxmedo
Read 1601 times
Written on 2006-12-09 at 14:06

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Amanda K
how sweet Max.Simple but very true.

("v") ("v") ("v")
'v' 'v' 'v'
I love you work

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

Kathy Lockhart
This is a love poem with power. I love the feelings evoke by your poetic words.