Sometimes the best company you can keep when you are under stress or distress is yourSelf.

84) By My Own

Am crying inside.
And may everyone witness my smile.
But in the depth of my heart there's a devastated land.
I wander lonely in the paths of my mind.
Getting closely to being mad.
My body that seems strong is getting weak and torn.
Yet I hide my pain and try not to show
For, I like always to look strong.
Displaying the image that people like.
Covering the truth that my ache unmasks.
Refuse to talk or even discuss;
The cause of my inner torment ,
Because there's no one to trust.
Thus,I rather deal with it by my own,
And shut all the doors that anyone involves,
But my brain and soul.

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 2095 times
Written on 2007-11-26 at 11:15

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Kathy Lockhart
Amanda i have felt this way too at times. I believe writing helps to gets us through these times of loneliness and pain. It is a gift and you use it well. Take Care. xx kathy

moon smile
This is such a gorgeous poem with true feelings,it representing a state we have in it lots of time,yet it have this superior transdental world where we have the chance to think about our soul 's needs away fom life over helming stuff.Well done my friend:):):)

I can relate to this piece on manhy levels

Powerful Write!!!!
