The pain of the truth hits hard

Coming to Terms ~Part 2~

Like underwater and with no air in sight

You stole my innocents and turned off the light

I wanted to fly to place filled with charm

But now lie in poison ready to do harm

I held inside a plan for the perfect love

That would fall from the heavens and rain from above

The sting of defeat won't leave me alone

Lost in illusions and location unknown

Time had made your true colors shown

I wanted love and all I got was deceit

I wanted an ending and all I got was defeat

Like sinking eternally in the dense sand

You wouldn't even hold out your hand

So as my ocean and my hope begin to dry

My last words to you are simple: Good-bye



Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1224 times
Written on 2006-11-29 at 04:59

Tags Death 

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I hope you feel better, this is a beautiful and emotional ending, i loved this seris, you right beautiful poetry, i am very jealous!

Kathy Lockhart
This is a worthy ending to this short but deeply emotional series. I know from experience we must take chances in order to expand our world. As in life, love is full of chances. Coming to terms with the outcome is a process. We all go through this, sometimes, many times. Keep learning from experiences, writing about them, and moving forward.

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
POWERFUL ending.

I have read both parts of this
and I am sorry for your pain.

They say that misery and hardship make
an exceptional writer and
with your unique style of writing
I have to say that it is true.
