... why do they even try?


Blank stare into the distance,
Howls the wind in her hair.
The lines you grafted on the paper,
are read with arrogance and flare.

It's always what the mind says,
Strict judgment of the awake.
Sleep you blistering moron,
The meanings which you cannot shake.

My fingers traced the valleys,
Carved diligently with my heart.
Plunging men into confusion,
Meaning from which they can't depart.

Meaning is only the perception,
Molded in your consciousness.
Why make of it strict methods,
Causing agony and distress?

Beauty pierced into,
The mind of the beholder,
Forced upon by the majority.
No longer free to leave,
Life be, what it comes to be,
Choose to determine reality.

Yet, what is reality, but just a pretense?
An attempt to divulge intentions planted within.
What are words? But mere concoctions,
To express, state and rephrase the mind's sin.

I said I was happy, and worried all the same,
Why toss the time and punish yourself to equate?

One times one,
Divided by one,
Remains one in the end.
My thoughts times more of them,
Divided by thoughts,
Remain at long last . . . mine.

© Auterkeia Nihil

April 11 2007

Poetry by Autie
Read 1502 times
Written on 2007-04-12 at 01:31

Tags Reality  Meaning  Thoughts 

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nice love
you write very well

the poem is really fentastic with the beauty of its first person expression. I enjoyed the feeling and the comparision...
thank you for a feeling..

yoonoos peerbocus
eqation in balance--excellent