
Why the soul was shattered

Feelings unanswered,

Thoughts unheard,
ravishing hunger growing within my soul,
a satisfaction unmet,
a dream not full filled.

I wonder what it takes to be hit in the head,
stand up and shrug it off and walk,
even if the goal is something you dread,
but you got to make sure your not just talk.

Actions speak stronger that words,
revealing feelings harder than arrows,
shooting my mouth off and piercing your heart,
revealing your deepest sorrows.

I wish I could control this swivelling anger,
not having it tear people apart in soul and mind,
but have it calm down and find its place,
having my actions become kind.

I guess in the end you never know what the stone might do,
even if it broke the glass may be the pieces will help,
to reflect on why the stone needed to be thrown,
or why the soul thas was shattered was my own.

Poetry by Christoffer Waye
Read 1068 times
Written on 2010-12-13 at 18:59

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