
Loves Slow death

Your heart expires,
your heart withers,
your soul is slowly fading,
and your eyes turn from clear blue to dark grey.

It's a slow death.

You are alone with your pain,
You where left to stand in the cold,
you where left alone
a mind buzzing with life now filled with memories past.

It's a slow death.

When you left I was shocked,
when you cried and said farewell,
all I could do was stand there screaming in mind to move,
but all that happened was a wave and the door closed.

It's a slow death.

My anger creeping up inside,
whispering that I let you go and was not left by you,
I bang the walls in frustration over my doubt,
I just want these feelings to go away.

Its a slow death when your love left,
Its a slow death when you know she still loves you,
Its a slow death when you can't do anything to win her back,
Its a slow death when you turn you love to anger.

Loves steady bullet hits us all,
I just wish that by now I knew how to fall...

Poetry by Christoffer Waye
Read 1055 times
Written on 2010-12-16 at 08:09

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A very powerful and emotional text that I can relate to. Very well written!

John Ashleigh
Powerfull and vivid. You have painted a picture most don't get to see. Thanks for sharing.
