They're delicious, but you know...they're bad for you.

...And Three Hot Guys Who Like To Burn Stuff (aka why chocolate and marshmallows are bad for you)

I know I'll pay for this someday.

There's no way you can spend half a day
with your best friend and another friend

and three hot guys who like to burn stuff

and not pay, someday, some way, somehow.

There's just no way.


I know I'll pay for

climbing up a tree
and some vines

across a rusted roof filled with holes
and through a window into a dilapidated shack

to see if you're surprised.

You are. I laugh.

There's no way I'm allowed to feel that---


When I'm stuck in a rundown shack
with my best friend and another friend

and three hot guys who like to burn stuff

and not pay, someday, some way, somehow.

There's just no way.


I know I'll really pay for

letting myself go

being natural
being happy
being bold

For climbing a thousand trees
and gathering a thousand scars

I know I'll pay for

pissing off the bitchy squirrel who lives in the crack-ridden wall

For wanting to lie on the roof with you
and count the wisteria blossoms

For shutting him and his girlfriend in their room together
with a bigass door from downstairs

For sitting in the window across from you
not talking, just thinking
flipping my gangster hat up and down

---well, not my hat, actually

I'll pay for that too
stealing his ghetto orange hat.

There's no way I won't pay for

trespassing on abandoned property
with my best friend and another friend

and three hot guys who like to burn stuff


If I'm headed for hell, at least I'll have had some fun
before I get there.

Words by PoeticProcrastination
Read 1152 times
Written on 2006-05-01 at 02:48

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liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Hee Hee I
really, really LOVE this
esp this last stanza


That last line is one of the many sayings I live by!!! This is such an awesome poem!!!!

sorry i'm commenting again, but, damn. i love that title!!

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Wickedly good a little master piece. Once started, you just have to read right to the end.

Christian Ward
Very funny (if a little unhinged)

and absolutely brilliant

This is a unique an interesting write! Very nice!

Please, go on being yourself!!!

Shas Ramlogan
The title of this poem struck me and after the first sequence i was hooked. This poem is not only extremely entertaining as you go along but there's also certain charm and wit that's comical yet brilliant.
"flipping my gangster hat up and down

---well, not my hat, actually

I'll pay for that too
stealing his ghetto orange hat."


Oh dear. Sounds quite infinite.

[Gets better if you do it around four in the morning....]

Amanda Manmohan
I must admit, when I read the title, I laughed and I was kind of taken aback. But although your tone was playful and fun, in a sense, this is really a thought-provoking poem and it really reflects how most teenagers see life. And if it isn't how some see life, then it should be. I love it!

I love it!! It's blissful and there is absolutely no WAY you get to have all the fun around here!! Why don't I get that?! Damn you. LOL. I love it!! But, sometimes I wonder what you do in your free time... lol.