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Åsa Andersson57 years old from Sweden |
MY TEXTS, Archive 47 Texts
Reaping (5) - 2015-08-25
planning the jailbreak (5) - 2015-08-24
Out of the box (4) - 2015-08-06
Happy happy (5) - 2015-08-01
The Zorro circle (5) - 2015-07-30
String theory (3) - 2015-07-30
Mr Tumnus is not here (10) - 2015-05-02
Coffee and kibbles (5) - 2015-04-28
jump! (4) - 2015-03-24
today's economy (4) - 2015-03-21
sister (6) - 2015-03-03
into the woods (4) - 2015-03-02
rampage (4) - 2015-03-01
Faithful friend (4) - 2015-02-26
Knackemacka (3) - 2015-02-24
Neurit (3) - 2015-02-24
Wysiwyg (4) - 2015-02-21
Hum drum (5) - 2015-02-19
Poor man's coat (challenge) (7) - 2015-02-17
oxytocin (4) - 2015-02-15
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