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Member since 2021-08-10
Has written 39 comments

Has received 56 applauds

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MY TEXTS, Archive 12 Texts

Springtime (4) - 2023-04-11
~Sing to me~ (3) - 2023-02-13
In my dreams (3) - 2023-01-10
~Come so~ (1) - 2022-10-17
Talk to me (2) - 2022-10-03
So come now morning (4) - 2022-08-30
The sea~fire (2) - 2022-07-21
Free me (3) - 2022-06-30
Could I (2) - 2022-06-20
The closeness (2) - 2022-06-04
The words (4) - 2022-05-28
How beautiful you are (4) - 2021-08-10