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Endless Love and Transcendent Joy Ngoc Nguyen 2022-10-09
Your Big Face SecretWords 2022-05-09
O How I Love, To Be In Love (1) Ngoc Nguyen 2021-12-26
The Thought of You (1) Ngoc Nguyen 2021-12-06
Truncated Sonnet: ''A Sonnet Begets Life'' Ngoc Nguyen 2021-02-01
Puddles (2) Anly Stede 2020-08-19
A Beaver Called "Joy" (1) Ngoc Nguyen 2018-05-04
bliss (11) StillHoppin 2014-02-05
A Dolphin Day (4) Morning Star 2012-08-08
The year of polka dots (3) FrancescaLuca 2012-05-22
A perfect joyful pain(Pantoum Challenge) (3) liz munro 2012-01-29
A Merry Heart Barbara Carleton 2010-09-15
De-linked (5) Bonyo Buogha 2009-08-17
The Loudest Absence (3) Eva 2009-02-05
Red Umbrellas (2) Puddled 2008-03-12
Nearly seven years (5) EMITSTI 2007-09-16
I'm loved! (3) Inspired 2007-05-16
*Dear Maxmado* (2) syarifah nur 2006-11-01
My personal God. (2) Sarvesh 2006-10-23
One Year, Four Seasons (3) Xuxa 2006-10-23

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