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TRUE LOVE (2) joel 2005-10-17
love stands on a cliff (3) INDRAN REDDY 2005-10-16
...Love Doctor... (3) kip 2005-10-13
After All These Years (7) Jean Marie Boudreau 2005-10-13
LOVELY (4) joel 2005-10-13
LOVE (3) joel 2005-10-13
Your Reflection in a Puddle (7) True Words Embellished 2005-10-13
Vena Amoris (1) True Words Embellished 2005-10-12
Thoughts whilst in bed (5) macpherson 2005-10-12
Romeo Nights (3) wbluerose02 2005-10-11
If you found. (3) John Ashleigh 2005-10-10
Encounter (3) Teala 2005-10-09
Pain (5) Tabitha Campbell 2005-10-08
One Last Wish (4) Tabitha Campbell 2005-10-08
I need you (2) Jeanette 2005-10-06
Dark autumn night. (3) Miss unknown 2005-10-04
Baby, please. (2) Miss unknown 2005-10-04
Urban Autumn Afternoon (3) Erased 2005-10-03
Roma. (3) John Ashleigh 2005-10-03
Home (2) macpherson 2005-10-03

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