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TAG NAME Romance

ANYWAY YOU WANT ME (1) France England 2013-02-28
IN MY HAIR Nina Lee 2013-02-22
THE GIRL NEXT DOOR France England 2013-02-08
FUDGE STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM (1) France England 2013-01-31
AGAIN LAST NIGHT (I LISTENED) (1) France England 2013-01-31
DO ME 2 THE MUSIC France England 2013-01-25
They Stand Close (2) Budart 2011-08-31
Empty on the Reef Line (1) A Murder of Crows 2011-01-08
Invisible (2) Barbara Carleton 2010-09-17
Sleep Eludes Me (1) LordParzifal 2009-09-26
COME MEET ME AT THE BENDpic Dawn M. Saul 2009-05-25
Distance Moves Slowly (3) Reilley 2009-02-24
Secrets (1) gemma 2009-02-02
*~!~*Sweetest Sin*~!~* (2) April S 2008-11-28
Let "E"go from the bed (2) pic Neelima 2008-04-07
A Half of the Pie (1) Lynn Abdul 2008-03-09
little pieces of her sad attempts at being loved that she was startlingly aware of, today. (1) signed. 2008-03-03
From a Petal to a Rose (6) Kathy Lockhart 2008-01-27
Fluid Pearls (2) Kathy Lockhart 2008-01-14

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