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TAG NAME Sadness

one lone little tear (1) amy-leigh 2006-07-28
reflection amy-leigh 2006-07-28
A Tragedy (3) Kshiti Dubey 2006-07-02
Somewhere Someone Cries (8) Kathy Lockhart 2006-05-16
Needlestick Injury (3) True Words Embellished 2006-05-14
The Dark Side of Somewhere (4) Lucas 2006-05-07
Lost In The Delirium Of Insomnia (5) Kathy Lockhart 2006-05-04
Broken (4) Lucas 2006-05-03
lost in vain (3) Nalini 2006-04-30
If I told you - forever (6) Natalie 2006-04-23
but we did not lose our will. (2) Ian 2006-04-20
How can this be? (1) Surei 2006-03-20
The Night (2) QuiZZer 2006-03-14
I don't want to be here (1) liz munro 2006-03-06
A Frozen Heart In A Cruel Earth. (3) liz munro 2006-02-28
Dreams don't come true (4) liz munro 2006-02-27
The wearing of my mask (3) liz munro 2006-02-27
Tears For Celtic Boy. (6) liz munro 2006-02-21
Winter's Eventual Thaw (5) liz munro 2006-02-19
Blood is dripping [A life draining away] (6) liz munro 2006-02-09

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