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TAG NAME Sadness

When the kind heart fails, who will come? (6) liz munro 2006-02-04
Stay away (4) Kat 2006-01-25
tired of your consent disbelief in me. (3) liz munro 2006-01-25
When the rainbow reappears (3) liz munro 2006-01-23
Derailed off the track [and I'm not coming back] (1) liz munro 2006-01-20
They've finally crushed me. (4) liz munro 2006-01-13
Memories (2) chicah 2006-01-11
She screams in silence (3) Nadia B. 2006-01-05
Going off the rails (4) liz munro 2006-01-04
Deep down, I'm not. (2) liz munro 2006-01-03
I am Gone (4) Albert 2006-01-03
Perfect Imperfections (3) Morpheus 2005-12-29
New times (4) QuiZZer 2005-12-07
Teardrop (4) SparrowN 2005-12-05
Love Paths (2) Steven Flood 2005-11-26
Lost love and forgotten by higher powers (3) Alexander 2005-11-23
The Texts i luv 2 h8 (2) Albert 2005-11-22
What you mean to me (1) Surei 2005-11-18
Darkness Alexander 2005-11-17
I MISS YOU! (2) Surei 2005-11-17

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