Here I define love differently. I believe that some can relate to them.I wish you enjoy it.

13) Love with different faces

There's a love that burns like fire but melts like ice.

There's a love lasts even though the lover has died.
And there's a love that is dead though the lovers still live.

There's a love which heals and hears you woes,
And another that beats similar to a beast, and causes you wounds.

There's a love brings you home and makes you whole.
There's a love that throws you as a homeless on streets
If you aren't cautious, it does deceive.

There's a love that gathers and another that scatters.
Gathered like the spring pansy's flowers.
Scattered as leaves abandoned by branches so mean!

There's a love beyond your reach regardless
Of times you do beseech.

There's a love that waits for a call.
It's right there and about to fall,
But waiting for your wave.

With love

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1137 times
Written on 2006-09-04 at 16:20

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so deep expression
this poem shows so many love ways

It is quite amazing the varied types of love your well penned poem has described. In this world that often times seem so sad and cold, we need "Eros," (love between man and woman), but that alone is not enough to overcome affliction; we also need "Philos," (love between two friends), but philos along with eros is still inadequate to meet the challenges of this life; but "Agape," (the love of God), with this love, even when we fall, we can rise again and be "tall."

keith nunes
i think you've captured the many aspects of love - well done

Leif H T Strand
I`m so tired in these love poems. But: In this case it was stimulating to read. To see all the letters hug each other in unity, and become something with a substance.
A text that people will study for years to come.

Emeka Chike Nwogu
The last stanza is so strong and powerful.
Especially 'waiting for your wave' So strong.
Grand writing.

hands-down wonderful... it merits a 5


A very good definition of love and loves.

nice poem lol
this is all true
Specially the line there is love that is dead though the lovers are still alive.