Proven(conclusion of "Prove It")

I doubt the question in my mind that tested you to prove that feeling of love that you have been telling me about all these months.

All I needed was proof, which you know I always ask for details.
I see it in your eyes every time you look me into my eyes.

I see the light that all angels take to get to that place called Heaven.
Let me know when you want good loving,

When you want me to be here for you, and I will be there.
But I will be in your heart forever and always.

Don't test my patience because already I can't wait to hold you in my arms.
Hold your hands to never let go.

And bear the necessities that every lover deserves within them.
I want you, and I have proven that quiet well without no doubt.

You made me realize what a lil' kid sees whenever he can't have his way towards his wants and needs.

And I have prayed for you,
God has sent an angel,
An angel is always here for me,

And you have proven that.

Poetry by Love Knight
Read 1225 times
Written on 2006-11-17 at 23:19

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Tabitha Campbell
Oh My Gosh!!!! I love it!!!! It's really good!!!! So how have you been? Sorry I haven't been on in a while I haven't had a computer and I'm at the library now so yeah let me know how you're doing and I'll write back as soon as I can.