The night holds many wonders; healing perhaps?


Midnight Healing

Late walks among empty streets

Coastal Beaches, Open river valleys

Revealed self reflection and weakness

Judgment to be sought; understood

Moonbeams float onto the water

Like a soft silver swan in radiance

Inner thoughts fight to break free

Silence coincides with the moment

Shadows allow for an easy release

Memories of right and corruption

Trouble stirs in silent pools of wonder

Paralyzed while fighting to release

The pain; anguish felt in my heart

Beneath this lock lies minute hope

The moon wants peaceful conclusion

A struggle begins with my past

And a longing for the future

Time sits squarely in between

One thought surfaces from the wounds

Love severed from its roots

Years of heartache burst from within

With each tear that struck the water

A feeling was released that would heal

Healing was right; needed for peace

After moments my hurt was gone

The moon danced on healing waters

For the first time in the light of darkness

I was able to breath in open silence

This change has made all the difference

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 2341 times
Written on 2006-12-10 at 03:52

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I think for many of us the night is so still yhay it heals; however the good Word says:"Tears may linger in the evening, but joy comes in the morning!"


Language: 3
Format: 3
Mood: 3
Overall: 3

munir mezyed
Beautiful and stunning imaginary ...I give u a big toast
munir Mezyed? endymion

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 4
Overall: 4

Rob Graber
As I was enjoying this pensive write, I misread line 11 as "Trouble stirs in pools of silent wonder"--slightly but interestingly different in both sound and meaning. Wonder what the writer thinks? In any case, an enjoyable piece!

Beautiful imagery and emotion. Great write Aaron. I liked it, it also inspired a poem, about the healing power of darkness, but it's going to have a completly different meaning.


Language: 4
Format: 4
Mood: 4
Overall: 4

A beautiful poem really..

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

This is such a crafty and beautiful piece. To me, the feelings portrayed through your words showed a perfect picture of a smooth exposition churning into tensening, tightening pain, and i release of soft realignment and relief. Very, very, vey x3 good work.

Some of my best hopes, dreams, thoughts, aspirations, and reflections come to me at night--I am a night owl--always have been, I find solice in it somehow.. WONDERFUL poem:)