Some of my own views.

Definitive Humanity

A simple light beams down on the path before me
Betraying every notion I have of the future
One deceivingly simple luminous orb
So beauteous and lovely in its splendor
So warm and inviting in its grandeur
Containing complicated simplicity within its ivory beams
Showing me an untainted vision of the future
As I look back with abhorrence on my squalid past
And I readily leap into that beautiful promise
Forgoing all pain and emotional strife
Blissfully floating through the ether
Like a wisp of cloud on a windy day
Ready to be twisted and bent by every small force
Yet not caring nor feeling, so apathetic and ignorant
Such joy and peace, such happiness and hope
Enticing me in and convincing me fully
I succumb to the full reckoning of this whimsical dream
And I lose myself completely
For I am no longer my own being.

Poetry by Xuxa
Read 1223 times
Written on 2007-01-06 at 05:19

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Kathy Lockhart
AAAAAAH! i want to go there. May I have your orb when your done with it. I love this so much it is in my favs. Outstanding, sense tingling piece of writing.