Let us be humble.

63) You Man

You man...
Who think you are powerful and got might.
Stand upon the mountains you will be small.
Dive into seas you will find yourself a dot.
Fly in the sky you would weigh less than a cloud.
Walk in the desert, you can't compete its hot sands.

You man...

Who believes your voice can shake lands.
Listen to the lightening, your ears will collapse.
Hear the waves, detect their high tide, you can't.

You man....
No matter how strong you are,
No matter how much you have, and
No matter how equipped you think you are;
There are things stronger than you,
Higher than you,
And bigger than you
So have some modesty and live without pride.

Poetry by Amanda K
Read 1125 times
Written on 2007-06-03 at 13:25

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very nice, well done

I love you

True. A little humility goes a long way. A very good point and a very good piece.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Amanda Panda a wonderfully profound piece from you pen well don and thank you for brining it here

rgds mike

Wonderfully Written a Masterpiece indeed.
I am humbly strong Loving the write!!!!

Zoya Zaidi
Hi Amanda, this is wisdom!
Yes, there are thigs stronger then us, like fate, like nature, like chance happenings...
One must never be proud!

((Hugs for the wise write)))
Love, Zoya

Rob Graber
If there is such a thing as wisdom, I think it must be based on placing ourselves, individually and collectively, in perspective... Well said!