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You always hurt EMITSTI 2007-09-15
so deep Inspired 2007-09-06
Goodbye My Friend debbie 2007-03-21
I'm gonna set things right dre 2007-02-16
Love Hurts (3) Parnika 2007-02-12
Coming to Terms (7) Coolaaron88 2006-11-29
Bear Trap (1) Anne Westlund 2006-10-12
Ashes... (4) Mr.Mist 2006-10-11
Blood-stained Ivory (2) Xuxa 2006-10-04
Sin (1) Xuxa 2006-10-03
Your Love... (4) Michelle Panter 2006-09-21
The Drug (1) Xuxa 2006-09-04
I miss you. (3) Mischa Ash Brookes 2006-09-04
it hurts her so (1) lynne ireland 2006-08-01
the fool amy-leigh 2006-07-28
Detriment. (6) John Ashleigh 2006-04-24
Little boy.. (5) Mr.Mist 2006-04-05
The day that never came (1) Sebastian_ 2006-03-10
Shattered Dreams (3) Ray 2006-01-09

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