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TAG NAME Sadness

Deepest shade of blue (5) holybear 2005-09-07
Theatre of the Departed (6) Melancholia 2005-09-04
The Nightrose (5) Dilla 2005-09-04
Without a Mouth. (3) Inked. 2005-09-03
Shy (7) Jewelia 2005-09-02
My Sense of Reality (2) True Words Embellished 2005-08-31
By yourself? (2) theshadowangel 2005-08-30
memories (3) Cr4Ky 2005-08-30
So i waited too long (2) Cr4Ky 2005-08-29
Hush now, the children are sleeping (3) MoonChild 2005-08-29
My tears (2) Cr4Ky 2005-08-29
HeartBreak (1) iZa 2005-08-29
New Blood (2) Dilla 2005-08-29
Losing against the rain (4) Cr4Ky 2005-08-28
The smiling second (3) Cr4Ky 2005-08-28
Soulmurder (4) MoonChild 2005-08-28
Falling angel (1) MissBrokenglass 2005-08-27
PASSION (5) R.K.Singh 2005-08-25
Unanswered Hopes (4) sacred_tears 2005-08-24
I'm sorry! (6) Bowjonozz 2005-08-23

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