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Current Mood:  hm...

Current Music:  (none)


NOTE:  2021 07 21  10H46 EST  Par for the Course - 

Par for the Course

Written 2021-07-21


- when the medecine will make you sicker before better... a common occurrence in the current treatments available... 


Apparently, this is normal...


You'll have to get more sick first

Before you can get well again

But you'll have other medecines

To counteract the effects of this one

And so on, if these others affect too

It'll all be well in the end, you'll see


Well, that's mighty reassuring...

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Current Mood:  shock... worry...

Current Music:  (none)


NOTE:  2021 07 20  20H14 EST  Firenadoes!? - 


Written 2021-07-21


extreme weather events are more than passed the point of being a clue... hm...


As the Brits would say :


Fucking hell!


Still not convinced


After that ? ? ?

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Current Mood:  undefined

Current Music:  "Welcome Home" - HELLYEAH 


NOTE:  2021 07 19  21H33 EST  Dead End - 

Dead End

Written 2021-07-20


Promise of relief, peace,

A wearying elusiveness

With no beginning, no end,

And never any prospects.


A recurring dead end

Which will only follow

For as long as breath'll

Flow in this tiredness...

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Current Mood:  undefined
Current Music:  "The Kiss" - Sins of Thy Beloved

NOTE:  2007 04 01  24H27 EST  Now - first attempt... 


Written 2021-07-19


- repost... once in a while, a poetry form for a personal challenge...


Rhopalic verse:  

with each line, the first word is one syllable, the second word two syllables, the third word three syllables, etc.

Schemed quiet divisions:  intricacies
Of unfelt commanding forgetfulness. 
The chartered underworlds, unyieldingly,
Now restrain overfilled expectations.

Hopes, heartaches, fantasies
Dance beside projection,
And within disbelief intensified,
Their simple existence disassembles.

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Current Mood:  amused...

Current Music:  "Sonne" - Rammstein 


NOTE:  2021 07 18  15H25 EST  Funny Thought - 

Funny Thought

Written 2021-07-18


- admittedly, only my friends will understand this one... I'm of course goofin' ;)


The biggest


in my life? Hm.


Well, I'll never be able to

have a company using

my own initials?


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Current Mood:  undefined

Current Music:  "All You Good Good People" - Embrace 


NOTE:  2021 07 18  12H56 EST  My Refuge - about writing...

My Refuge

Written 2021-07-18


- of course poetry is a very nice artful thing, but my writing has never been that or has it ever been presented as being that either... 


Writing has always been a way for me :


To process ;

To explain ;

To word out the unwordable ;

To try to make sense of the senseless seen or lived.


When life's circumstances were or are simply too overwhelming ;

When the painful anguish's enough to make you want to quit ;

When there are no recourses or solutions but only time for 'healing' ;

When isolated 'cause talking of horrors causes inevitable discomfort.


I don't write so much about these things anymore,

'Cause life has found a way to improve and move on.

But the processing still remains a big part of it all,

And I really don't know how I'd have coped without.


Writing has always been there for me through it all.

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Current Mood:  random...

Current Music:  "Broken Pieces Shine" - Evanescence


NOTE:  2021 07 17  12H33 EST  Ever Consider the Same for Me? - 

Ever Consider the Same for Me?

Written 2021-07-17


- discomfort at times 'cause what can you say...


You have strong and deep feelings

For this particular facet of life

And you never hold back from

Sharing them with everyone


I have strong and deep feelings

About that same particular facet

But I always hold back from saying

'Cause I don't want to upset you


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Current Mood:  alright...

Current Music:  "Better Without You" - Evanescence


NOTE:  2021 07 17  10H19 EST  La meilleure façon - 

La meilleure façon

Written 2021-07-17


- conclusion d'une discussion avec un ami... dernière pensée sur le sujet...


J'me dis que la meilleure façon

de se débarrasser d'un troll

c'est de lui créer une famine

en ce qui concerne son plus

grand désir, celui de s'octroyer

de toute l'attention dans la pièce.

Cela lui coupe le souffle en un

rien de temps, c'est immanquable.

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Current Mood: the same
Current Music: "Sons of Northern Darkness" - Immortal

NOTE: 2004 12 16  08H32 EST  The Awakening - a friend, a knife, an assault, a coma, an awakening...

The Awakening

Written 2021-07-09


- repost... 


awakening’s a bitter, dissolving deception

coursing like a rush, a punch-like violation
death, out-tricked, boils with vindictive fury
to this day still casting on me the penalty

my eyes opened to be attacked by the room’s light
was a bustle all around me, this musn’t be right
confusion before realization could set me straight
policemen nearly rushing, couldn’t anymore wait

gaps inhabit the spaces of my guarded memory
but every single image remains so accurately
tears, heavy disappointment flowed, i survived
convinced pain’s doom will stay around to thrive

years indicate how so far it’s true…
the calmness of the « sleep » through -
a cruel hanging for a shattered life suffocating
wishes form in me to be back to safety, dreaming

now the dreams that surface in sleep kill me
slowly they’re leading me down to insanity
couldn’t be graced with an amnesic mind
terror and blood is all it can today find

unable to move, was feeling my soul slipping
through the painful cuts my life was seeping
then total darkness decided to release
a mind from consciousness, to appease

battered senseless and left behind to die…
appreciation for the miracle would be a lie
'cause never forgotten will the day of the awakening be
heaven reached then snatched, grandest of all misery

peace was denied.

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Current Mood:  discouraged...

Current Music:  "Dérangeant" - Groovy Aardvark


NOTE:  2021 07 09  07H17 EST  Just No - 

Just No

Written 2021-07-09


- some personalities, you know...


You and your friends

It'll never be bound

To ever gel with me

It'll just never work


Too self-absorbed

Too attention-seeking

Everything about you

Is just all too much


Either you're unaware

Or you simply don't care

I don't know which it is

But it's sure not great


Consumed by hubris, ideas

Of grandeur, you're insulting

Brash, obnoxious, clueless

It's sure passed incredible


So, you and your friends

It'll never be bound

To ever gel with me

It's just way too sure

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